Sherry Li ’25
Meet the Majors
Clubs, sports, and activities you’d like to mention:
Gold Key, Smith PIRG
Did you ever have trouble deciding on a major? What, ultimately, helped you decide?
I have always wanted to study philosophy, and how fun the philosophy classes are reaffirmed my decision to major in it. However, before taking Buddhist Studies classes, I never expected to be interested in studying religion, but as I explored Buddhist concepts and texts, Buddhist Studies captured my interest. Some Buddhist stories get very wild and intriguing, and learning about various Buddhist ideas has made me a better person.
What’s your all-time (big or small) favorite Smith memory?
During the fall of my junior year, just before finals, my friends and I lay on the activity field at 2 a.m. watching the Geminids. Every time someone spotted a meteor, they would shout with excitement.
Describe a moment from a class that particularly sticks with you.
On a beautiful fall day, our Buddhism and social justice class had class beneath the Camperdown elm tree in the botanic garden and discussed Śāntideva’s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, a key Buddhist text. The experience felt almost transcendental, reminding us about the Buddha’s enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.
What was most interesting or unique about your house and what will you miss about it?
I will never forget living in Morris House and spending time in the living room, where groups of people would always gather to chat, do homework, or play games. It is where I learned how to knit, and I will miss knitting and crocheting together.
What’s your Big Dream for your future?
Stay sane.
If you could tell an incoming first-year anything about Smith, what would it be?
Attend events that are outside your usual routine.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
My proudest accomplishment is relearning how to walk after ankle surgery and being able to walk long distances without pain.
What else should we know about you?
I had some of the coolest on-campus jobs, one of which is taking photos for College Relations. As someone who does not enjoy crowds, I pushed myself to attend events and visit to places on campus I otherwise would not have, gaining a richer experience at Smith. I also had the opportunity to meet many staff members, professors, and students who do incredible things, and I learned so much through meeting and talking with them. I discovered Smith from a unique perspective, becoming familiar with the best lighting at different locations during various times of day and weather conditions. I have captured photos of the night sky from almost all the possible spots on campus. In short, I got paid to have a good time and do what I love.