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Tanya Lama

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences


Ford Hall 111


Tanya Lama is an integrative biologist interested in the resilience of wildlife populations, particularly in the context of global climate change. Her research uses field, lab, and bioinformatic methods to study the evolution of life history traits, such as lifespan, which shape responses to rapid environmental change. Bats, many of which have evolved extraordinarily long lifespans and a variety of unique metabolic, immune and dietary adaptations, are central to the research interests of the lab. Lama’s courses introduce students to current methods in genomics through the lens of evolution, ecology and human health.

Selected Publications

Forester BR, Lama TM, Kardos M (2023) A landmark environmental law looks ahead: Updating practice for the genomic era. Science. 2023 Dec 22;382(6677):1348-55. doi: 10.1126/science.adn3245

Forester BR, Lama TM (2023) “Chapter 9: The role of genomics in the future of ESA decision- making.” The Codex of the Endangered Species Act: The Next Fifty Years. Edited by JF Organ and LE Baier. Lanham, Maryland (USA): Rowman & Littlefield. 2023 Dec; 159-186. doi:10.32942/


Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst
B.S., University of Connecticut

Lab Website

Photo by Jim Gipe/Pivot Media