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Reminder: Burton & Sabin-Reed will be closed from 7–10 a.m. on Monday, March 17

A group of students gathered at commencement rehearsal.

For First Generation Students

First generation (or first-gen) students are those who are first in their families to attend a four-year college—they’re an integral and valued part of our campus community (in fact, 17% of current Smithies are first-generation college students!). Here, we’ve compiled some resources for first generation students to acclimate fully to life on campus, and to enjoy all that Smith has to offer.

Words of Wisdom

I can assure you that if you have a passion for learning, it is possible to succeed in an environment that is completely new to you. If I did it, so can you! Being a first-generation and low-income student has shaped me into the strong, hardworking, and independent woman that I am graduating as.
—Ana Duarte Montano ’24

Helpful Resources

There are several resources on campus for first-generation and low-income students. From funding opportunities to a student-run resource center, we can help you settle in to college life.

Common Goods

Access to winter clothing, toiletries, room essentials, and more.


Community for low-income and first-generation students.

In the Spotlight

As a first-generation, low-income student from California, Sa’mya Wilson says she battled imposter syndrome upon first arriving at Smith. As time went on, she flourished—studying abroad, securing a Praxis internship, and so much more. Learn more about her journey and triumphs.

During my first year, I oftentimes hesitated when speaking up in class or taking full advantage of various opportunities. As a first-generation college student, imposter syndrome hindered my confidence in being able to fully participate in some of the amazing experiences that I was presented with.

It took me a while to realize that I got where I am not by miracle or chance but as a result of my perseverance, determination, and diligence.
—Sa’mya Wilson ’24

A Focus on Affordability

At Smith, we believe in equity and access. From our no loans (only grants) financial aid policy to guaranteed internship funding for every student through our Praxis program, we’re committed to helping you reach your dreams.

Check out some stats on the financial resources current Smith students receive.


of current Smithies receive Pell Grants


average need-based grant award of current students


approximate percentage of Smithies eligible for startup grants

A Class of Their Own

Career Launch Academy

Every year during interterm, the Lazarus Center, facilitates a four-week course with Career Launch Academy. Designed to provide 20 students each year with networking and interviewing skills, the course also enhances their self-confidence in professional settings.

Culminating in a networking dinner with local first-gen Smith alums, Career Launch Academy provides a strong foundation for Smithies who are the first in their families to attend a four-year institution. Sign up during course registration for the spring semester!

Additionally, the center regularly hosts skill-building workshops throughout the semester with CLIFS and First-Gen Out Loud. These workshops range in topic from “Writing Your First College Resume” to “Negotiating Equitable Pay.”

A group of students at a restaurant for a networking dinner.

The 2024 Career Launch Academy cohort at their networking dinner. On the far left are Jessica Bacal, Director of Reflective and Integrative Practices and the Narratives Project and Leigh Pinkston, former Assistant Director for Inclusive Career Development at the Lazarus Center.

A logo for DASS First Gen, featuring illustrations of four first-gen Smithies.

First Gen Guidance

Join Dulce, Ana, Sara, and Mya—all members of the class of 2024—first-generation college students at Smith, as they give advice in their podcast, D.A.S.S. First Gen. 

Creating a podcast through First-Gen Out Loud as a way to leave their legacy behind after graduating, they also wanted to give first-gen Smithies a platform to speak their voices and share their experiences.

Listen In

Pre-Orientation Details

The first gen pre-orientation—August 27–28, 2024—is designed to help you transition to college life by helping you learn your way around, getting to know other students, and learning about resources on campus.

Registration & Schedule

You will receive the application to apply by email in late May.

First gen pre-orientation program applications are due on Monday, July 1 at 10 a.m. (EST)

Selected students will be notified by July 5.

Those students selected should confirm their participation in the program by July 15 at 8 a.m. 

Tuesday, August 27

  • Selected first gen students will arrive on campus between 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
  • Student/parent welcome reception and panel from 3–4 p.m.
  • Campus tours from 4–5 p.m.
    • Events for parents and families end after dinner.
  • Students meet with heads of new students (HONS) in houses from 7–7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, August 28

  • Programs all day from 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
    • These programs will serve as a way to familiarize you with Smith and other first gen students.

Thursday, August 29

  • Central Check-In (CCI) at the Indoor Track and Tennis Facility (ITT) from 8–11 a.m.
    • Even though you will have gotten your keys and moved in, you will go through Central Check-In with all new students on this day.

Things to Know

  • Please note that because the Bridge and international student pre-orientation (ISP) programs and the first gen program overlap. Unfortunately, that means that Bridge and ISP students cannot participate in the first gen program.
  • Also, if you are a student athlete you will need to make sure that you do not have practice during the times mentioned above in order to participate.
  • Please don’t make travel plans to arrive at Smith prior to participating in the first gen pre-orientation program until you have been confirmed as part of the program.
  • The first gen pre-orientation program does not replace Central Check-In (CCI). First gen pre-orientation program selected students arrive two days before CCI to participate in the program put together for them and their families, and then they join the CCI program on Thursday, August 29.

Set for Success

Smithies are proof that you can go anywhere with a liberal arts education. In addition to having an impressive track record of recent alums either being employed full-time or in a graduate program shortly after graduating, 90% of Smith alums—within five years of graduating—report that their current employment is a part of their intended career path.

Explore Career Outcomes
Lazarus Health Advising

Here for You

There are several people on campus who are specially trained to provide help for first-generation and low-income students. Reach out any time with questions—we’re here to help!