Graduating Students
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Graduating Students:

Did you miss the information session, What Happens to Your Smith Account After Graduation, during Senior Week? View the PDF 2024 version of the presentation. New information for 2024 graduates!

Please be aware that access to your Smith accounts and applications - such as Smith email, Google Drive, Moodle, and Zoom - will expire. The exact date your access expires will be emailed to your Smith email account over the summer. For May graduates, account expiration is approximately four (4) months after graduating. Look for an email message:

With the subject line: Access to your Smith account will expire

Mark your calendar with the account expiration date and plan accordingly!

ITS has compiled the following guidance and answers to frequently asked questions about your Smith account and access to systems after graduation. For more information, contact

Smith Mail Instructions

  • If you don't already have a non-Smith personal Gmail account, we recommend creating one.

  • Use your personal Gmail or another non-Smith email as a contact address on job applications. Do not use your Smith email address.

  • If you previously used your Smith email address to set up any external accounts like Facebook, Apple ID, Twitter, YouTube, Adobe Creative Cloud, Office 365 etc., be sure to change the email address on those accounts before your Smith account expires.

  • Let people know that your email address is changing. As soon as you have an alternate email address, share this with others. Create a Vacation Response in your Smith Gmail account to alert people about your graduation and new email address. Visit Google Support for instructions on how to set up a vacation responder. Note that after your account expires, vacation responses will no longer be sent.

  • Consider temporarily forwarding new Smith email messages to an alternate personal email address. Visit Google Support for instructions on how to automatically forward Gmail messages to another account. After your account expires, messages will no longer be forwarded.

Continuing at Smith?

  • If you have been hired to work at the college after graduation, we recommend verifying that your status has been updated in Workday and that it accurately reflects your new role. This will ensure your Smith account remains active. Please work with your hiring manager and Human Resources if you have concerns.

  • If you are continuing at Smith in a graduate program, your account will automatically be extended.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do with files and folders I created and shared as part of my job, special project, or student organization?

You will want to ensure that someone else can access and manage files you created. Files that remain only in your My Drive after your account expires will no longer be accessible to others with whom you shared them. We recommend that My Drive files you own be moved to Shared drives folders so that the file's history is preserved. Note: Files you created in Shared Drives are already available to members of the Shared Drive. Make sure that someone else has Manager permissions of each Shared Drive so someone else will be able to manage the files after your account expires. For more details, visit Transferring Ownership of Google Drive Files.

How do I transfer my Smith email and Google Drive files to a personal Google account?

You can transfer your Smith email messages and make a copy of your files in My Drive, including Google Sites. For details, visit transferring and exporting your Gmail, Drive Files, and other Google Data.

Once I leave Smith, how will I access Workday, including to see my pay stubs and get my W-2s?

This summer after graduating, look for two important emails from on how to access Workday. They will include a new/different URL to Workday that you will use going forward - bookmark this! The first email contains your new Workday username and the second email contains your new Workday password. NOTE the Workday link via will no longer work as soon as you receive these Workday email messages with the new URL and your new username & password.
Next tax season, you will use the new URL and new account information to get your W-2s and other pay stub information.

How long will my Moodle account be active? How do I take my course assignments?

Your account expires when your Smith account expires. If you wish to save any of your Moodle files that are not already stored on a personal device, use portfolios to export your work. For instructions on using portfolios, visit the Moodle page and refer to the section, Export Moodle Work with Portfolios

How long will my Zoom account be active? How do I download my meeting recordings?

How long will my Office 365/One Drive account remain active?

Your account expires when your Smith account expires. To see offers from Microsoft, visit Office 365 Personal. Learn how to switch Office 365 subscriptions from University to Personal. If you are not planning to switch to a different subscription, you should download any files that you might want to access in the future. For instructions, see Download files and folders from OneDrive.

Will I retain access to my Handshake account?

Will I still have access to LinkedIn Learning?

What happens with any remaining money on my OneCard?

How can I obtain transcripts?

Can I save references stored in a RefWorks or Zotero?

For answers and more information to this question, visit the library guides for Refworks and Zotero.

How long can I keep using my Computer Store discount?

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