
Perhaps this is the strongest pleasure known to me. It is the rapture I get when in writing I seem to be discovering what belongs to what; making a scene come right; making a character come together.” *

To understand Woolf, professionally and personally, we must read her writing. Throughout her voluminous output of novels, essays, letters, and diaries, Woolf extols the virtues of exploring thoughts and ideas through words and rages when composing seems futile. This section presents online opportunities to examine Woolf’s oeuvre.



Woolf Online: An Electronic Edition and Commentary of Virginia Woolf's 'Time Passes'.

For electronic copies of several of Woolf’s books check Project Gutenberg:

United States

For a list of archival textual materials check Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, “Libraries and Archives.”



Briggs, J. (2005). Virgina Woolf: An Inner Life. Orlando: Harcout.

Research Papers

Kukil, K. (2001). Paper hearts: The correspondence of Virginia Woolf and Lytton Strachey, 1906-1931. Charleston Magazine (23), 23-30.


___References for this Section____

* Woolf, V. (1985). Moments of Being. 2d ed. (J. Schulkind, Ed.) New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.