Year 2000 Inventory of Embedded Processors Worksheet

The purpose of this form is to identify equipment containing embedded systems or date-aware microchips. Complete a separate form for each location.
Department _________________________________________________________________  Date___________________________
Equipment Location  _____________________________________ Person Responsible for this Equipment ___________________
Coordinator/Preparer ______________________________________________ Phone/E-Mail _______________________________
List any equipment owned or used by the department that functions, in part, based on date information stored in the device; that requires maintenance based on elapsed time; or that records current date and/or elapsed time information. Attach additional forms if needed. Examples include: fax machines, alarm & security systems, lab and clinical monitoring devices, elevators, patient care devices, and date/time stamping equipment. The last column may be used to check off Year 2000 readiness in Step 2 (Evaluation).
Equipment Name Make & Model Manufacture Date (if known) This System/Equipment
is Used For
Year 2000 Compliant? (Y/N)

List or describe any other conditions (including environmental, electric, heat) or supplies (such as liquid helium) which your department or a department member is dependent upon, the loss or delay of which would critically impact department functions.
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