Step 2D - Evaluate Other Potential Problems

One of the largest unknown and least understood areas in year 2000 evaluation is the effect of the century rollover on equipment with embedded microchips that may retain, record, or react to dates and/or elapsed time. Equipment and processes you should evaluate include:

Environmental control systems

Access control systems

Lab, clinical, and other monitoring equipment; patient care devices

Automated date/time stamping equipment

Chemical storage/waste management systems

This is not an exhaustive list. Evaluate any equipment, system or processor which "knows" the date, records it, or functions by date control. Again, if the only date functions are time of day/day of week, there should be no problem.

Many of these functions will be handled by Physical Plant as part of the College plan to make the campus Y2K compliant. Identification of all potential risks to your operations will be necessary for understanding the scope of the problem. Evaluating the impact of any of these risks will enable Physical Plant or others to set priorities in managing the risks. If you have questions as to whether or not a system or piece of equipment will be the responsibility of Physical Plant, contact Amy Holich.

Whenever possible, contact the vendor or manufacturer of such equipment to determine whether the equipment is year 2000 compliant or if the vendor has a later model which is.

Check any preprinted forms you may have. When reordering forms, check for any date issues.

Year 2000 Inventory of Embedded Processors Worksheet

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