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The support of Smith donors ensures that the doors to excellence and opportunity remain open to the most eager minds, creating a more equitable academic experience that raises every individual.

Generations of Smithies have stepped up, including many younger alums who are making their very first endowed gifts, to support students who need financial aid to attend Smith. Our admissions applications are increasing dramatically as students from around the country and the world recognize the unparalleled experiences and outstanding support that Smith provides.

Scholarship Recipient

Drey Reis ’25

Drey is working with Smith faculty on groundbreaking educational research and plans to become a justice-oriented teacher.

An ardent advocate since childhood, Drey has discovered at Smith countless opportunities to learn skills, expand experience, and strengthen their voice. 

“If something feels unjust, unfair, or unethical, I feel strongly that I should … do whatever I can to help make the situation, system, or organization better, safer, and more inclusive,” says the Chicago native.

Read More About Drey

Donor Snapshot

Data from April 2019 through November 2023.


of donors to endowed scholarship funds are 50 or younger 


of donors gave to endowed funds for the first time


gave their largest gift ever


“Smith made me who I am. It enabled me, and I can give back. Smith is part of my story.”
Anne Williams ’92

Contact Alumnae Relations & Development

Alumnae House

33 Elm Street

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063


Phone: 800-526-2023 or 413-585-2020

To learn more, please contact:

Betsy Carpenter ’93

Associate Vice President for Development