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Smith Today

SmithCycle Comes Full Circle

A new campus thrift shop, launching this fall, will help students stock up on room basics—and save money

Learn more about how Smith is providing resources and support for Smith's on-campus community related to antisemitism and Islamophobia.

Smith Alumnae Quarterly

Check out the landing page for the Smith Alumnae Quarterly, containing current and past issues.

On the Cover, Spring 2024

As a student at Smith, Elim Chan ’09 showed raw talent in conducting. Today, she performs with some of the world’s most prestigious orchestras.

Explore the SAQ

All Articles & Features

Alumnae News

Balance at the Ballot Box

Galvanized by the political climate, a record number of women are running for public office, many fo...

  • Alumnae News
  • September 15, 2018
Illustration of political signs
Alumnae News

Fighter for Gender Equality

“A woman‘s voice needed to be part of the national conversation.” That‘s what inspired Niki Sauvage ...

  • Alumnae News
  • September 11, 2018
Niki Sauvage Tsongas
Alumnae News

Make Wine, Be Happy

Star vintner Helen Keplinger ’94 thought that one day she'd be a doctor, but it was in the vineyards...

  • Alumnae News
  • September 11, 2018
Helen Keplinger
Alumnae News

Undermined by a Thousand Cuts

Keeping women in their place. That's the net effect of catcalling, harassment and other behaviors th...

  • Alumnae News
  • March 9, 2018
Tomi-Ann Roberts

Other News & Publications

Smith Alumnae Quarterly  
The Smith Alumnae Quarterly was established in 1909 and is published by the Office of College Relations four times a year.

Smith eDigest 
The Smith eDigest is sent to all campus e-mail accounts, providing important notices, college news, deadline notifications and other college information.

Notes From Paradise
Distributed weekly by the Office of College Relations, Notes From Paradise is an e-newsletter for alumnae, faculty, staff, students and friends of the college.

Smith in the News
Smith in the News is an online digest of recent media mentions of Smith College people and programs.

Insight was an online journal chronicling the ideas, intellectual life and creative thinking inherent within the culture of research and the liberal arts at Smith. It was published from 2010 to 2016.

The Sophian
The Sophian is the official, independent student newspaper.

Published through Spring 2010, NewsSmith was distributed by the Office of College Relations for alumnae, staff, students and friends.

Library Events, Exhibitions & News
Listings of upcoming events at the libraries, current exhibitions, links to online exhibits and to newsletters, including News from the Smith College Libraries, Friends of the Libraries Newsletter and the Sophia Smith Collection’s Imposing Evidence.

Smith College Studies in Social Work
Since 1930, the Smith College Studies in Social Work has published materials of interest to clinical social workers and social work educators.

Meridians, a collaborative venture of Smith’s Women’s Studies Program and Wesleyan University, is a new feminist interdisciplinary journal and forum for scholarship and creative work by and about women of color.

Amazonian Literary Review
The Amazonian Literary Review is a journal dedicated to the literary traditions of the countries of the Amazonian Basin.

Botanic Garden News
Published twice each year by the Friends of the Botanic Garden.

Smith Style Guide
Maintained by the Office of College Relations, the Smith Style Guide is a reference for Smith-specific words and phrases.