Costs & Payments

Important COVID-19 Information
Due to COVID-19, the Office of Precollege Programs was closed for the summer beginning on May 30, 2020. To learn more about Smith’s planning, see the “Culture of Care” website. Stay tuned for more information in January 2021 about our in-person and online options for summer 2021.
2021 Program Tuition
Information will be coming in January 2021. Stay tuned!
Financial Assistance
Smith Precollege Summer Programs financial aid is available to a limited number of participants and is awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and eligibility for the program. To be considered for financial aid, you must complete the financial aid section on the application and upload tax documentation. Information for 2021 programs is forthcoming in January 2021.
Foundation Partners
Below is a list of the organizations and foundations that partner with Smith Precollege Programs. Some of these foundations work with high school students only from particular schools or communities where the foundation is located. Others work broadly, referring and recommending students from throughout the United States.
We value our engagement with these organizations. Many offer both financial support and ongoing relationships to their high-achieving young scholars, giving advice, support and assistance to students and their families through the Precollege application process.
- Achievement First High Schools
- Community Foundation of Western Mass.
- Girls Action Networks (limited to students in New York City)
- Holy Trinity High School (Chicago, IL)
- Jack Kent Cook Foundation
- Joyce Ivy Foundation
- Minds Matter
- Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
- Opportunity Network
- Park Tudor School (Indianapolis, IN)
- Passport Scholars (Chattanooga, TN)
- Public Prep (limited to students in New York City)
- Reach Memphis
- Schuler Scholar Program
- Steppingstone Foundation (Boston, MA)
- Success Academies (limited to students in New York City)
- Summer Search
- Wishbone (limited to students living in Connecticut and New York)
- Young Women's Leadership Network (limited to students in New York City)
Contact Office of Precollege Programs
30 Belmont Avenue
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-4455 Email: