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Increasing Your Over-all Fitness

In order to increase your over-all fitness level, three different areas should be focused on, cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training.

I.       Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular training requires some type of aerobic activity. Aerobic exercise would include aerobic classes, jogging, swimming, bicycling, fast walking, in-line skating, and cross country skiing. Aerobic exercises have several advantages like aiding in weight reduction, burning calories, increasing energy levels, and working the heart and lungs. Your level of fitness and goals should determine the length of the exercise and the intensity level you choose. Below is a chart that can be used to find that level:
Fitness Level Recommended number of times per week Amount of minutes per session Making an easier transition to the next level
Level 1 - you never or rarely participate in aerobic activity 3 times per week 20 - 30 minutes Begin slowly and gradually work up to more exercise. If you can't work for 20 min. to begin with, just keep at it until you reach the 20 min. mark.
Level 2 - you comfortably participate in aerobic activity for at least 20 minutes, 3 times each week Try to exercise 4 times a week rather than 3 Increase the length of your workouts to 30 minutes Increase the duration of your exercise in small 2- minute increments.
Level 3 - you comfortably participate in aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 times per week Exercise 4-5 times per week 30 minutes To avoid injuries you should try cross training. For example, try riding a bike the first day, the next day walk, the following day go to aerobics class.
" I run cross country, so I have to keep in shape for that. It helps when I'm stressed out because I'm alone and I can process things in my head. I like to exercise because it makes me feel like my body is working well. "
                      Emma, 17

Cardiovascular Training
Strength Training
Stretch and Flexibility Training
Suggestions and Tips