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II.       Strength Training
Many young women are afraid to lift weights because they don't want large muscles. Your genetic make-up determines what types of muscle fiber you have, how they are distributed, and how body fat is stored. It also determines the body type.
Muscular strength is the maximum force that can be exerted by a muscle or muscle group. Muscular endurance, however, is the capacity of a muscle to repeatedly exert force or to maintain a fixed contraction for a period of time. Muscle tone refers to the firmness of the muscles and can be improved with muscular strength and endurance.
Before determining your current level of fitness from the 3 listed below, there are 2 important words that you should have a clear understanding of, repetitions and sets. A repetition is doing the movement 1 time. When you are instructed to do a given number of repetitions, this means you are to do the same movement however many times without resting between. For example, if you are instructed to do 15 repetitions of sit-ups this means you are to do 15 sit-ups without resting. A set is the completion of a series of repetitions. Once 15 sit-ups have been completed, one set is done. If you are instructed to do more than one set, you may rest in between them for a minute or so.
Strength Training Chart
Fitness Level Times per week/ minutes per session Repetitions/ Sets Making an easier transition to the next level
Level 1- you rarely or never perform resistance training exercises 2 times per week. 20-30 minutes per session 15-20 repetitions. 1 set. Try to work all the major muscle groups of the body and rest at least 24 hours between training sessions to give your muscles a chance to recover.
Level 2 - You perform at least 1 set of 15-20 reps on 8-10 of the major muscle groups 2-3 times per week 3 times a week. 20-30 minute sessions. 12-15 repetitions. 1-2 sets . Try to fit all the major muscle groups in. Try alternating upper body/trunk one day and lower body the next. Never work the same muscle group two days in a row because the muscles need 24 hours to recover.
Level 3- You do at least 2 sets of 8-12 reps on 8-10 of the major muscle groups, 2-3 times per week 4 times a week. 20-30 minutes per session. 8-12 repetitions. 2-3 sets. If 3 sets are being done, you may not necessarily be able to fit all the major muscle groups into 1 workout.
Important !!!!   If your focus is on strength, add more weight and do fewer repetitions. Make sure you can complete at least 8 reps, if you can't you are using too much weight. If you are focusing on endurance and toning, rather than increasing your muscular strength, you may want to use less weight and more repetitions.

"Don't over do it. Enjoy it because it really makes you feel good, especially when you're down."
                      Suzanne, 16

Cardiovascular Training
Strength Training
Stretch and Flexibility Training
Suggestions and Tips