Physical Plant Y2k Compliance Summary

While many Physical Plant Department systems have an impact on campus systems, we are powerless to control Y2K issues with regard to the utilities from which we obtain services, such as electrical distribution and fuel oil. The following summary describes the Y2K readiness for the systems and equipment for which Physical Plant is responsible as of June 1, 1999.

Distribution Systems:

Electrical Distribution: Massachusetts Electric Company has indicated that less than 2% of their computer systems are calendar sensitive and they do not anticipate any distribution problems from their point of delivery. Statement on file.

Steam (Central Heating) Distribution: Because the majority of our central heating controls predate any date sensitive computer controls, no problems are anticipated with the January 1 date change.

Fuel vendors:

Central Heating Plant fuel: The vendors from whom we obtain fuels to run the boiler plant have indicated that they do not anticipate any interruption in supply service.

Gas (vehicle) - Consistent delivery is anticipated.

Specialized operational systems, software & equipment:

FAMIS Maintenance Management System - version 5.0.4 is not Y2K compliant. Upgrade to compliant release versus purchase of new software is being evaluated.

Paging and two-way communications - all equipment is Y2K compliant. Statement on file

Fire Alarm System - existing system is not complaint and is being replaced with Y2K compliant Simplex NT3400 system and associated software. Estimated completion: October 1999

Intrusion alarms - will be included in fire alarm project to make them compliant. (See above)

Elevators — no problems are anticipated with campus elevators. Statement on file

AutoCAD Drafting software - Running latest release, which is Y2K compliant.

Vanderweil Facility Audit software - contains no date-sensitive information.

Calcomp Digital Drawing Board III - No internal on-board calendars; does not receive date code info from host computer systems. Statement on file.

Xerox 2520 engineering copier - Equipment is compliant. Statement on file.

New Hermes signage equipment - Software and equipment are not date or time sensitive; manufacturer does not anticipate problems. Statement on file.

Important Note: Information on critical campus systems/processes needing Physical Plant support not been received to date. Costs associated with infrastructure upgrades/protection measures to accommodate these issues have not been budgeted. Careful consideration must be given to cost of protection versus cost of replacement; it is critical to consider planning and budgeting for disaster recovery versus operating in a business as usual condition.

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