Year 2000 Tool Kit for Smith College Departments

John Connolly and Ruth Constantine require that all academic departments and business units be responsible to ensure that all College functions are ready for the century rollover to the year 2000. To support this effort, the Y2K Committee together with Information and Technology Services (ITS) have prepared a Tool Kit for department heads or managers, and their coordinators, outlining what must be done, offering helpful tips and suggestions, and pointing to other sources of assistance.

Academic Department Chairs, senior Deans, and Department Heads are responsible for their own department's or unit's compliance. These individuals are assigned as their department coordinator, and are also responsible for communication on Y2K issues to department members. They may assign an alternate coordinator as needed or as may be appropriate to ensure departmental compliance. The Science Center Y2K work will be coordinated as a single unit.

All members of the Smith community are invited to use the Took Kit, if appropriate, but be sure not to duplicate the efforts of the Coordinator in your department. If you don't know who the Coordinator is or whether or not one has been named, check the Year 2000 Coordinators List.

Faculty or staff who may be running projects and/or using equipment which is not supported departmentally or centrally are responsible for their own Y2K compliance.

Many thanks to Columbia University for providing the template for this Toolkit.

The Year 2000 Problem Tool Kit Steps

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