Tool Kit Steps

Step 1- Taking inventories

Step 2 - Evaluating risk and assessing criticality

Step 2A - Evaluating hardware and operating systems ( if not ITS supported)
ITS Inventory Form

Step 2B - Evaluating software ( if not ITS supported)
Year 2000 Inventory of Applications and Programs Worksheet

Step 2C - Evaluating potential data problems
Year 2000 Databases and Shared Data Inventory Worksheet

Step 2D - Evaluating other potential problems
Year 2000 Inventory of Embedded Processors Worksheet

Step 3 - Creating a project plan for corrective action

Step 4 - Identifying resources and budget needs

Step 5 - Correcting year 2000 problems

Step 6 - Testing conversions and solutions ( if not ITS supported)

Recommendations for contingency planning

Where to get additional help

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