Kosher for Passover Meals
Kosher for Passover meals will be available from our Kosher dining line located in Cutter/Ziskind. There will be meat meals and parve alternatives offered to all students who sign up. Meals will be served on disposable dishes, and meal hours are posted on the Passover page. You will find the Passover page by using the link in the highlighted News and Updates paragraph on the Dining Services website, or by using the link below.
Lunch and dinner will be provided only to those who register. Passover food is ordered long in advance and it is not possible to increase food orders once the holiday begins. Please be mindful when you reserve meals to reduce food waste and unnecessary work for the staff. If you are unable to attend a meal that you had reserved, please contact Rick Rubin and Hilary Mikucki or call 413-585-2099.
All college dining halls will have matzah and hard boiled eggs available during meals, and gluten-free matzah will be available at Chase/Duckett and Cutter/Ziskind. Kosher for Passover macaroons will be available for all teas.
Break-Fast from Chametz (bread products)
Break-fast, when people traditionally eat foods that were prohibited during Passover, will take place on Sunday, April 20 with an event starting at 7 p.m. in the Helen Hills Hills Chapel Sanctuary. Please use the above link to make a reservation for this meal. Note: For those who wish to be precise, the earliest time to eat Chametz is 7:37 p.m.
Selling Chametz for Passover
Halacha (Jewish law) requires us to get rid of all of our Chametz (leavened foods) before Passover. A tradition has developed to sell any Chametz we can not dispose of to a non-Jews for all of Passover. If you would like to sell your chametz through Rabbi Bruce, please fill out the selling chametz form by 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 10.
Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions regarding Passover.
Rick Rubin, Dining Manager: 413-585-2318
Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer
Hilary Mikucki, Kosher Chef: 413-585-2318