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Experience the wild grandeur of the White Continent in a more efficient, expedient way. Bypass the traditional Drake Passage crossing on a two-hour flight to and from Antarctica and discover all the highlights without sacrificing the extra time. It’s a true journey of a lifetime where you can paddle a kayak past tabular icebergs the size of islands and walk among charismatic penguins.

Trip Highlights

  • Get a head start on your Antarctica experience by flying across the Drake Passage from Puerto Natales to King George Island, landing at the Chilean research station which permanently operates there. Roundtrip charter air is included in the trip price.
  • Explore the world’s last great wilderness in the company of top naturalists and the most experienced polar captains in Antarctica, with more than 55 years of expedition heritage.
  • Hike amid magnificent mountains; see huge glaciers; and observe a parade of gentoo, Adélie, and chinstrap penguins.
  • Kayak in protected waters, paddling in the Antarctic stillness as penguins swim nearby.
  • With National Geographic Global Explorers, our exclusive family program, kids and teens will learn about this exhilarating part of the world—from its massive glaciers to humpback whales.

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Faculty Host: Michael Thurston

Michael Thurston is the Helen Means Professor of English Language and Literature at Smith College, where he has taught since 2000. He is the author of Making Something Happen: American Political Poets between the World Wars, The Underworld Descent in Twentieth-Century Poetry: From Pound and Eliot to Heaney and Walcott, and (with Nigel Alderman) Reading Postwar British and Irish Poetry. He has published numerous essays on modern poetry and modernist writing, including three on Ernest Hemingway. He is the editor of the Norton Critical Edition of The Sun Also Rises and is writing the Cambridge Introduction to Ernest Hemingway. With the support of a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities, he is also working on a book on the Harvard literary scholar, F.O. Matthiessen. From 2019 to 2024 he served as the provost and dean of faculty at Smith.

Learn More About Professor Michael Thurston

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Itinerary at a Glance


Travel Schedule

Day 1

Depart U.S. for Chile

Day 2

Arrive in Puerto Natales, Chile

Day 3

Puerto Natales to King George Island; Embark National Geographic Explorer

Days 4–7

Explore Antarctica

Day 8

Disembark ship; King George Island to Puerto Natales

Day 9

Depart Chile for U.S.

Day 10

Arrive in U.S.

Trip Details

  • Duration: 10 days
  • Activity Level: Moderate to active
  • Cost: TBD per person, based on double occupancy
  • Single Supplement: TBD
  • Deposit: 15% of tour price, person, payable to Lindblad Expeditions; Final payment due 120 days prior to departure
  • Co-Sponsors: None


To ensure a reservation on one of our trips or to find out more information, contact Sarah Doody, travel program coordinator, at 904-432-3141, or send an email to Reservations may also be faxed to 866-427-4335. We will contact you and send you the final brochure as soon as it becomes available. You can then send in your trip deposit to confirm your place.