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Each spring, Smith welcomes thousands of alums to celebrate the Smith experience. Reunion volunteers have an opportunity to plan programs, get to know classmates and enjoy being a part of this special annual event. Volunteer activities range from assisting with signs for the Alumnae Parade to reaching out to classmates to encourage attendance. Whether you have several hours to help or want to take on a leadership role, you’ll enjoy reconnecting with your class and the college. To learn more about volunteering for your Reunion, contact your class Reunion chair or class liaison.

For resources, including the Volunteer Partnership Agreement, visit the Volunteer Opportunities page.

Reunion Volunteer Roles

Term: 5 years
Contact: Your class liaison


  • Identify and recruit classmates for the Reunion committee
  • Appoint the Alumnae Parade Chair, Headquarters Chair, House Connectors, and Program Chair
  • Plan class-specific Reunion programming and coordinate the development of a Reunion theme and graphics
  • Oversee the Reunion budget
  • Attend the Reunion of the preceding class as an observer one year before Reunion
  • Complete a post‐Reunion report to be shared with the succeeding Reunion chair(s) and Smith College
  • Make an annual gift to The Smith Fund
  • At the conclusion of your term, transfer all records to your successor and send any pertinent information to the Smith College Archives

Term: 1 year, preceding Reunion
Contact: Your class liaison


  • Complete and submit the Parade Signs Form 
  • Receive indoor and outdoor parade plans, parade route and marching order, and announce these plans at Friday night class dinner
  • Remind classmates to dress in white attire (or costumes of the era) on the day of the parade
  • Assist classmates in parade lineup, ensuring that class officers are in the proper places

Term: 1–2 years, preceding Reunion
Contact: Your class liaison


House Connectors Chair
  • Recruit a class member from each house to act as the House Connectors
  • Coordinate the efforts of House Connectors and serve as a single contact to the Office of Alumnae Relations and Development
House Connectors
  • Encourage your housemates to attend Reunion and make plans to connect
  • Ask classmates to update their contact information with Smith (the college will provide classmates’ contact information)
  • Help find lost classmates

Term: 1 year, preceding Reunion
Contact: Your class liaison


  • Set up and decorate the class headquarters on Thursday morning 
  • Staff the headquarters with classmates and student assistants throughout the weekend
  • Dismantle the headquarters on Sunday
  • We recommend that the Headquarters Chair be someone within driving distance of Northampton to make planning visits prior to Reunion and transportation of headquarter materials easier

Term: 1-2 years
Contact: Your class liaison


  • Plan programming for the weekend that effectively draws on the Reunion theme; programs may range from an after-dinner discussion to a panel moderated by classmates or a presentation by a notable classmate

Contact Office of Alumnae Relations & Development

Alumnae House
33 Elm Street
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01060

For general Reunion event information and support, contact:
Mary ”Mimi“ Odgers
Assistant Director for Reunion