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I. Statement  

Smith College has established this policy to comply with Massachusetts laws regarding the burial of human remains and the scattering of ashes on Smith College property.

II. Scope/Responsibilities

This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, alums and visitors. Responsibilities related to this policy are shown below:

  • For enforcement of policy: Associate Vice President for Campus Services, Operations & Maintenance
  • For oversight of policy: Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration
  • For procedures implementing policy: Associate Vice President for Campus Services, Operations & Maintenance

III. Definitions

These definitions apply to terms as they are used in this policy. 

A.   Ashes  All human remains recovered after the completion of a cremation.

B.   Human Remains  For the purposes of this policy, human remains is the body of a deceased person, including human skeletons and partial skeletons, organs, embryos, cremated human remains, isolated elements, human remains in archaeological assemblages co-mingled with other remains, and human remains such as human skin, tissue, teeth, blood, hair or bone which are a part of another object. 

C.   College Property  All buildings, grounds and other internal and external spaces owned or controlled by the college.

IV. Policy

Smith’s campus, spanning 147 acres, and its landscapes and resources play a significant role in the life of our students, faculty, staff and alums. Often, the spaces and places on the Smith campus hold significance in the lives, works and memories of individuals who have attended, worked or visited the campus. From time to time, Smith receives requests from individuals to either bury a deceased loved one or to scatter ashes of a loved one somewhere on College Property. Smith has evaluated local, state and federal laws related to burial, cremation, and environmental impacts, as well as potential long term use of our resources and established this policy to address requests for burial and scattering of ashes on College Property.  

Policy statement 
Smith College does not permit burials or disposal of human remains or the scattering of ashes on campus.

V . Policy Violations

Violations of college policies are adjudicated according to procedures outlined in the Student Handbook, Code of Faculty Governance, and the Employee Handbook, with disciplinary consequences imposed by the adjudicating authority up to and including dismissal. Some offenses are punishable under state and federal laws.

Policy Review Cycle 
This policy will be reviewed at least every 5 years or as needed to reflect changes in laws, regulations or major changes in college operations. 

President’s Team

Responsible Office: 
Facilities and Grounds

Date Established:  
October 3, 2014

Date Last Revised: 
August 27, 2024