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Persons parking at Smith College do so at their own risk.

Smith College is not responsible for any loss or damage to any vehicle parked in or using its parking lots, garage, college roads or ways, or public streets next to the campus or that may go through the campus, or otherwise occur on its facilities, including without limitation any falling ice or snow, trees or tree limbs or any act of God or weather; damage caused by contact with pot holes, speed bumps or any other physical condition of the college or its facilities, lots or roadways; loss or damage caused by flying rocks or debris; loss or damage caused by third parties including government authorities, town police, tow companies or parties unknown, including without limitation criminal acts such as theft or vandalism.

Any accident involving vehicles or pedestrians occurring on the Smith College campus should be immediately reported to Campus Safety.

Loss or damage caused by a college employee driving his or her own personal vehicle, even if the vehicle is being driven on college business, is the responsibility of the employee up to his or her insurance limits. All drivers of college vehicles are required to report accidents, loss or damage to the college, and leave a note with the damaged vehicle.