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Student Vehicles

Students must move all decaled and nondecaled vehicles from campus lots, drives and all lined spaces, including the ITT, Ainsworth, Dryads Green, Mandelle, Capen Drive and Paradise Road area.

All decaled student vehicles must be moved to student snow lots, which are the Stables Lot, Pasture Lot, Tennis Court Drive (left side only), Tennis Court Lots, and the Smith College Parking Garage (only for students with green-decaled vehicles and in green-lined spaces only). All others will be ticketed and towed. Decaled student vehicles must remain in snow lots until a ban is lifted.

A notice will be sent when a student parking ban is lifted, at which time all student vehicles must be removed from the snow lots and returned to their original parking spaces by midnight so that snow lots can be cleared. Vehicles not removed from the snow lots by midnight will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. Students with perimeter parking decals must move their vehicles to a perimeter parking lot that has been plowed.

Vehicles parked in violation of a parking ban will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. Contact campus safety at ext. 2490 to address questions concerning parking during the ban.

Faculty and Staff Vehicles

Faculty and staff must move all decaled and nondecaled vehicles from campus lots, drives and all lined spaces, including the ITT, Ainsworth, Dryads Green, Mandelle, Capen Drive and Paradise Road area. The Smith College Parking Garage is available for faculty and staff with proper decals to park in white-lined spaces.

The parking ban for faculty and staff will be lifted and spaces and lots will be open for designated parking once they are cleared or by 7 a.m. the following morning, unless the college is closed or it is a weekend.

Vehicles parked in violation of the parking ban will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. Contact campus safety at ext. 2490 to address questions concerning parking during the ban.

Closing of the College

Snow parking bans are not related to any decision about a delayed opening or closing of the college. Information concerning delays or closings is carried on the college’s INFO Line (585-4636) and local radio and television stations beginning at approximately 6:30 a.m.

The college’s parking bans do not have any relationship to city parking bans. For information on a Northampton snow emergency and related parking bans, please call the Winter Information Line at 586-6969. You can also subscribe to an email alert system. To sign up for Northampton alerts go to and join the DPW Alerts mailing list to receive email notification of snow emergencies and parking bans. Northampton may call a snow emergency for extended days and also when there is not a snow emergency at Smith.