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Internship Credit (IDP 117) grants .25 academic credit for qualifying internships during Summer or Interterm break.

Internship Credit Guidelines

Students are not required to receive credit for internships. Credit will be degree-bearing and will be noted as Pass/Fail on a student’s transcript as course code IDP 117 in the semester following their internship. There is no tuition cost associated with credit, and no course to attend.

  • Current First-Years, Sophomores and Juniors. Note: First Years and current J-Grads are not eligible for Interterm Credit.
  • Students whose internship site requires that interns receive credit
  • Students who want to document an internship experience officially on their Smith transcript
  • Students may apply for credit no more than 3 times, capping the total amount of credit a student can receive at 0.75.
  • Students on leave are eligible for Internship Credit during summer or Interterm, but must provide documentation; please have your Class Dean email to confirm that you are or plan to be enrolled during the semester following your credit-bearing internship.

  • Must take place over the summer or interterm (January)
  • Internships may be paid or unpaid
  • Students must work for a minimum of 100 hours
    • Note: Credit-bearing Praxis-funded internships require a minimum of 220 hours/5.5 weeks (summer) or 100 hours/3 weeks (Interterm)
  • Must relate to major, minor or concentration
    • Note: CPT internships must relate to major
  • Must offer work assignments that are needed by the workplace and that help the student meet learning objectives
  • Must allow significant career exploration and learning opportunities
  • Must be supervised by a permanent, paid staff member with relevant expertise, and who meets with the intern a minimum of once a week
  • While some clerical work may take place, it should be in combination with more substantive, professional assignments, with the balance of the time being on the latter.
  • Credit may not be applied retroactively to an internship that has already taken place.

Start your application for interterm internship credit.

  • Students can choose to receive credit only, or combine credit with Praxis funding.
  • International students must complete the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) application.
  • You must have an internship offer before submitting an application for Internship Credit.
  • The application contains required fields for Supervisor and Faculty Adviser contact information. Supporting forms will be emailed to them directly. NOTE: Faculty Adviser Form will send after Supervisor Form has been submitted. Supervisor responses will be included in Faculty Adviser Form for their reference.
  • Upon approval for Internship Credit you will be registered for course IDP 117; this is the course code that will appear on your transcript after all internship requirements have been met.
  • There is no tuition cost for Internship Credit/IDP 117, and no class to attend. 

  • Approved students should complete journal entries during their internship, to be used to craft a Final Reflective Essay. This online form will be emailed to you at the end of your internship, and includes an upload space for your essay, which will be submitted to your faculty adviser to determine pass/fail. See our Journal Prompts & Final Reflective Essay Guide.
  • Your supervisor must submit a Verification of Internship Completion, which will be automatically emailed to them at the end of your internship.
  • Once all requirements have been met, credit will appear on a student’s transcript retroactively under course code IDP 117. Credit will be degree-bearing and will be noted as Pass/Fail on a student’s transcript.
  • There is no tuition cost for Internship Credit/IDP 117, and no class to attend.
  • If students register for Internship Credit and do not complete the internship & requirements, they will receive a failing grade for the internship, which will be noted on their transcript.