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Basketball Championship Game Watch Party—Saturday at 4 p.m.!

🔥🏀 Let’s rally for Smith Basketball as they take on NYU in an epic rematch! Join the watch party this Saturday at 4 PM in Weinstein Auditorium—open to students, faculty, staff, and the entire Northampton community. GO SMITH! 💙💛🎉

Employment Categories

Section 200

Exempt (Salaried) Employees

Exempt employees are legally exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Categories of exempt employees at Smith College include the following:

Administrative Staff

The exempt/administrative staff includes those staff members primarily responsible for managing the academic, financial, and business affairs of the college and for providing professional, technical, and administrative services to faculty and students. Coaches and Campus School teachers are considered to be members of the exempt/administrative staff.


The faculty includes those members of the instructional staff of the college holding the ranks of lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor, or chaired professor.

Non-Exempt (Hourly) Employees

Non-exempt employees are those who are covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act for minimum wage and payment of overtime for hours worked beyond 40 per week. Categories of non-exempt employees at Smith College include the following:

Administrative Support

The staff members in this classification provide secretarial, clerical, technical, or administrative support services to faculty and/or administrators in academic and administrative offices.


The staff members in this classification provide maintenance, cooking, and other support services. The service staff members are represented by seven different unions; conditions of their employment are governed by union contract.

Types of Positions

Within the major employment classifications defined above, staff members are further designated as holding regular, Fixed-term, or Causal positions.

Regular Position

A regular position is part of the regular budgeted staff of a department, and is authorized for an unspecified period of time of 0.5 FTE or more.

Fixed-Term Position

A Fixed-term position is not part of the regular budgeted staff of the department. It is authorized for a time period of more than five months and less than or equal to two years, and 0.5 FTE or greater. Grant-funded positions are included in this category.

Casual Position

A Casual position is not part of the regular budgeted staff of a department. It is authorized for five months or less (regardless of the number of hours per week), or for less than 0.5 FTE (regardless of the authorized time period).