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Basketball Championship Game Watch Party—Saturday at 4 p.m.!

🔥🏀 Let’s rally for Smith Basketball as they take on NYU in an epic rematch! Join the watch party this Saturday at 4 PM in Weinstein Auditorium—open to students, faculty, staff, and the entire Northampton community. GO SMITH! 💙💛🎉


Section 501


If you are employed in a regular or limited-term position of half time or more, you are eligible for paid holidays which fall within your normal work schedule. If you work less than half time or hold a temporary position, you are not eligible for paid holidays.

Each Spring the Office of Human Resources issues a holiday schedule that is available on the Human Resources benefit website

While many legal holidays are observed on a Monday, some (such as Independence Day) are observed on the day of the week upon which the holiday falls. When a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday, unless otherwise indicated.

Terms and Conditions

Full and part-time staff are eligible for holiday pay under the following conditions:

  • Full-time staff who work a Monday–Friday schedule are entitled to the holiday off with pay.
  • Full-time staff who work other than a Monday–Friday schedule are entitled to an alternative day off in lieu of the holiday during the same work week when an official college holiday falls on their regular day off.
  • Part-time staff are paid for a college holiday only if they are regularly scheduled to work on the holiday and only for those hours they are scheduled to work. A part-time employee’s regular hours may not be rescheduled to qualify him/her for holiday pay.
  • Staff are eligible for paid holidays which occur while they are on vacation or on any authorized paid or unpaid leave of up to 10 work days.
  • If you work less than half time or hold a temporary position, you are not eligible for paid holidays.

Working on a College Holiday

Some offices may need to be staffed during specific holidays. Your department head will decide whether the office must be open on a given holiday and they will determine the staff coverage necessary.

Non-exempt/Administrative Support Staff

If you are required to work on one of the college's scheduled holidays, you may elect to be paid at time and one-half for hours worked on the holiday and receive a day off in lieu of the holiday (on a day convenient for you and your supervisor) during the same work week or you may be paid at time and one-half for hours worked on the holiday in addition to your normal holiday pay. You must indicate on your timesheet your choice of pay options.

Exempt/Administrative Staff

If you are required to work on one of the college's scheduled holidays, you may take equivalent time off at a later date with the approval of your supervisor or department head.

Holidays Not Observed by the College

Whenever possible, department heads are encouraged to grant time off for the observance of religious or other holidays which are not official college holidays. Staff members wishing to observe holidays in addition to the college holidays listed above may request to take the additional time as personal time, vacation, or short-term absence without pay.

Questions regarding this holiday policy should be directed to your supervisor or department head, or to the Human Resources Manager of Employee Relations and Recruitment.