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Articles XVI - XX

Article XVI. College Conduct Board
Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of the conduct board is to provide a non-biased panel of peers to adjudicate non-academic violations of the Smith College Code of Conduct and other college policies and to sanction said violations in an educational and/or punitive manner.

Section 2. Members

The College Conduct Board shall consist of:

  1. The Chair;
  2. The Vice-Chair;
  3. Generally fourteen additional members.
Article XVII. Five College Student Coordinating Board (FCSCB)
Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of the Five College Student Coordinating Board is to encourage students to make full use of the opportunities and resources of all campuses. FCSCB will improve communication about issues each campus faces and means to address the issues, sponsor events to encourage interaction, assist in the advertisement of events and activities at other campuses, and meet student needs and concerns.

Section 2. Members

The Five College Student Coordinating Board shall consist of:

  1. Three student representatives from each of the five institutions;
  2. The President of the SGA and the Secretary of the SGA as the delegates from Smith.
Article XVIII. Impeachment

Any body described in the Constitution can impeach any of its members by a two-thirds majority vote of the respective body’s membership. Any member of the constituency may initiate an impeachment vote and all members of the constituency will have a vote, even non-voting members. Possible grounds for impeachment are poor attendance at meetings as outlined in the bylaws, suspension, dismissal, permanent separation, negligence, dereliction of duty, and other infractions deemed sufficient by any member of the body. Any member impeached by a body will also be removed from their roles as representatives for that body.

Exceptions to this clause are SGA Cabinet, the Class Presidents’ Association, and Committee on Elections. Details for these bodies are described under their respective clauses in this constitution. The Committee on Elections must be officially notified of any impeachment proceedings.

Article XIX. Recall

Should 25 percent of an elected officer's constituency petition for recall of an all-college election within five school days of public notification of election results, the Committee on Elections will conduct an investigation to see if such an action is merited. If the committee deems such action is warranted, they shall administer a recall vote for any position.

Article XX. Referendum

Any petition signed by 15 percent of the association at large must be submitted for a referendum. If the measure is approved by a simple majority (more than half) affirmative vote of the association, it shall be sent to the appropriate committee for implementation.

Article XXI. Bylaws
  1. Bylaws contain the procedures and rules for the SGA. All procedures not discussed in the constitution, bylaws, or properly adopted rules of order shall be referred to the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
  2. The bylaws shall be approved by two-thirds of the senate membership.
  3. Amendments to the bylaws shall be approved by two-thirds of the senate membership.
Article XXII. Amendment
  1. The cabinet or a voting member of the senate may propose an amendment to the constitution.
  2. An amendment may also be proposed by 20 percent of the association.
  3. Such an amendment shall be approved by two-thirds of the senate membership. Following senate approval, and at least one week before the final vote is taken, the text of the amendment shall be presented to the college. The vote shall be administered by the Committee on Elections.
  4. An amendment to the constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting constituents.
Article XXIII. Ratification

The ratification of the SGA constitution shall be by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the association at large.

Amended and Restated as of April 21, 2023