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For Students Reporting an Infraction

Overview of Procedures for Students Reporting a Suspected Infraction

You may seek guidance about any Honor Code issue by speaking to the Dean of the College, your Class Dean or the Chair of the Honor Board, who may be reached at

Here is a brief rundown of how to proceed if you believe you have witnessed a violation of the Honor Code:

You may speak with the student in question about your observations and inform her that you are going to report her to the Academic Honor Board or you may ask the student to report herself.

You may also report the suspected infraction directly to the Chair of the Board without telling the student in question. The Chair will then contact the reported student directly. Your name will not be disclosed to the reported student without your consent.

As the reporting student, you will be called to the Board to clarify your observations in the matter.

Confidentiality is extremely important: You must not reveal to anyone the identity of the student you reported (other than to the Board), not even to the instructor of the course in which the suspected infraction occurred.