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Smoking Policy

Smith College recognizes that using tobacco products is harmful to the health of tobacco users and that exposure to secondhand smoke poses a health risk to non-smokers. This policy has been enacted to address these health concerns and to provide a smoke-free workplace for all members of the college community.

Smoking is prohibited in all college-owned student residences and all academic and administrative buildings. All smoking by faculty, staff, students and visitors is limited to outdoor areas more than 30 feet from any academic, administrative or residential building. Smoking includes the use of electronic smoking devices, vapes, and Juuls.

The college is committed to providing educational programs to assist its employees and students in making healthy lifestyle choices. Students who are interested in smoking cessation programs may obtain information from Pelham Medical Service and Wellness Education; employees should contact the Benefits Office.

(When an exception has been authorized by the director of religious and spiritual life, smudging shall not be considered a violation of the Smoking Policy.)