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The Year 2000 Problem

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Y2K Departmental Liaisons

ITS Y2K Update

Physical Plant Update

Science Center Memo
Science Center Update

Purchasing Dept. Update

Y2K Toolkit Introduction

Sample Vendor Letter

Guide to Evaluation of Vendor Compliance Claims

Tool Kit Steps

Tool Kit Steps

Step 1- Taking inventories

Step 2 - Evaluating risk and assessing criticality

Step 2A - Evaluating hardware and operating systems ( if not ITS supported)
ITS Inventory Form

Step 2B - Evaluating software ( if not ITS supported)
Year 2000 Inventory of Applications and Programs Worksheet

Step 2C - Evaluating potential data problems
Year 2000 Databases and Shared Data Inventory Worksheet

Step 2D - Evaluating other potential problems
Year 2000 Inventory of Embedded Processors Worksheet

Step 3 - Creating a project plan for corrective action

Step 4 - Identifying resources and budget needs

Step 5 - Correcting year 2000 problems

Step 6 - Testing conversions and solutions ( if not ITS supported)

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